Making a Difference
to people's lives

Lesley Scullion, ICT Support Technician

Lesley Scullion - ICT Support Technician, had worked for the council for ten years before transferring to The Wrekin Housing Group in 1999.

For Wrekin's 25 year anniversary in March, we caught up with staff who've been with us since the very beginning, asking about their Wrekin journey and highlights over the years.

“When I started with Wrekin, HQ was still being built. It was all really exciting, especially from an IT point of view: the server room, all the networking to be done. My memories of the first few years were around moving computers and offices around, with lots of evening and weekend work to keep things running smoothly.”
Working in the busy ICT office at HQ meant Lesley developed great working relationships with lots of people across the organisation.

“Like most of my colleagues, the best part of working for Wrekin has been the people I’ve worked with. There are so many really caring, really nice people. I’ve made lifelong friends.”

The leadership culture was also different to anything she had experienced before: “I’ve never worked for an organisation where the Chief Executive has been approachable. John Broadhead, and of course later Wayne both ate in the canteen. It sounds simple but in my previous jobs the exec team just weren’t seen. Here, you can chat to anyone at any level.”

Lesley is known around Wrekin not just for her friendly and helpful attitude, but also for her fundraising efforts over the years. She has worked closely with the Finance team as they raised thousands for Macmillan, as well as The Brain Tumour Trust.

“I’m really proud of the fundraising we’ve done over the years, especially the show we put on in Oakengates. Everyone who helped out was so generous with their time, especially Jacob and his team who always provided an amazing spread.”

Of course Lesley wouldn’t still be working at Wrekin if she didn’t love the job - even though she didn’t see herself working here for quite so long!

“When I was first offered a lease car I didn’t want to do the scheme; I didn’t want to pay a lump sum off at the end as I didn’t think I’d be here after three years. That was a long time ago, now!”