Annual reports
Every year we make an annual report about our business and its finances.
Our latest report gives a summary of our performance from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. You can read the summary below, or click here to view a PDF of the summary.
The 1 April 2024 saw government changes to the regulation for social housing providers. Revised regulatory consumer standards were introduced from this time Regulatory standards for landlords - GOV.UK They set out the standards that landlords should be delivering their services to.
The standards work alongside other legislation such as:
- The Decent Homes Standard - our homes should be fit for human habitation. They should be safe, healthy and free from things that could cause serious harm. This includes being safe, secure, warm and dry.
- The Equality Act - we should make reasonable adjustments to services if someone has a disability.
- Tenancy agreements - we should agree appointments and give you notice if we need to access your home to complete a gas safety check.
The 1 April also saw the Housing Ombudsman Service introduce their revised Code of Complaints Handling Housing Ombudsman Service. This sets out that landlords should have a complaints service that:
- Is easy to access;
- Is fair and looks to put things right where mistakes are made;
- Learns from mistakes to put things right;
- Has two stages in the process, and responds within 10 working days.
In June 2024 we published our first Tenant Satisfaction Measures. These were introduced by the regulator, for all landlords, to understand how services are working from their customers’ perspective. You can read the full results of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures here.
We were pleased to hear through the results that our services are working well for many customers. However, we do want to continue working with customers to improve our results further. Over the next year we have a number of things planned to do that.
Our plans to improve our services
Customer care training programme
The main reason for complaints is communication. We recognise this is an area for us to continue to improve upon. To do this, we plan to do more work coaching individual teams and making changes to some of our processes. A customer care training programme will run throughout 2024/25 for our employees, and then continue with all our new employees going forward.
Locality working and plans
From customer feedback, including complaints, we have seen there is more to do to give customers a clear point of contact, and make sure services work in a joined-up way. To improve customer experience, a locality way of working is being introduced where a team is assigned for each local area covering repairs, housing and care. The housing teams are also working on locality plans with their communities to address key priorities.
Grounds maintenance
A change of approach has been undertaken throughout this year. We have done some planning around the rota during 2024 and this will be followed up by further improvements in terms of systems and publishing when works will happen.
Customer Involvement
In 2022 we worked with customers to review the ways that customers could get involved in both feeding back on services but also shaping their design and delivery. During the year there were over 200 ways for customers to get involved, including:
- Speaking to teams at community events;
- Talking through customer experiences and journeys with staff;
- Feeding back on new policies and helping us with ideas to improve services;
- Providing feedback on rent setting approaches;
- Giving feedback at the ShireLiving forum – a group for customers living in ShireLiving homes to feedback on a range of services and talk through new ideas.
Some examples of ways we have used customer feedback to improve services:
- We have changed the way we process refunds to make that easier;
- We have increased the number of quality checks for a contractor we work with;
- We have introduced coaching sessions for staff to improve customer service;
- We have introduced a new Lettings Team to improve how we work with customers; who are looking for a home with us.
Annual report 2023/24 summary
Spending and investment 2023/24
How we spent each £1 of your rent
- 45.8p: Building new homes
- 19.8p: Managing housing services
- 18.4p: Repairing and improving homes
- 13.9p: Paying loan interest
- 02.1p: Bad debts and other
Cost of management and maintenance per unit/home: £4,627
Highest paid director’s salary cost: £15.01 per home
Collective executive directors’ salary costs: £72.33 per home
Rent collected: 99.7%
Customers with a clear rent account: 83.2%
Rent arrears: £463,600
As part of the revised regulatory consumer standards, we are required to share our directors’ salary costs. This is done by calculating the salary payable to the highest paid director or collective executive directors divided by the total number of our homes as detailed below:
Salary paid to the highest director: £201,965
Total Social Housing Units owned/managed (Group): 13,351
Highest paid director’s salary cost: £15.01 per home
Collective salaries paid to executive directors: £972,978
Total Social Housing Units owned/managed (Group): 13,351
Collective executive directors’ salary costs: £72.33 per home
Repairing homes 2023/24
Responsive repairs completed: 31,942
Responsive repairs completed same day: 78.(0)%
Non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s time frame: 92.(0)%
Emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s time frame: 99.4%
Overall satisfaction with repairs service: 89.5%
Satisfaction with the time taken to complete the most recent repair: 90.2%
Satisfaction that the home is well maintained: 89.4%
Investing in homes 2023/24
Money spent improving existing homes: £17.6m
New homes completed: 316
Keeping homes safe 2023/24
Money spent keeping homes safe: £5.8m
Homes meeting the Decent Homes Standard: 99.9%
Registered care services* with a ‘Good’ CQC rating: 100%
Completed safety checks and servicing
- 100%: Gas servicing
- 100%: Fire risk assessments
- 100%: Asbestos surveys
- 100%: Water safety checks
- 100%: Lift safety servicing
- 99.8%: Electrical safety checks
Satisfaction that the home is safe: 90.(0)%
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained: 73.7%
Listening to your voice 2023/24
Customer service requests: 178,730
Overall customer satisfaction: 90.3%
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenants views and acts upon them: 77.(0)%
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them: 81.8%
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect: 87.3%
Handling complaints 2023/24
Stage 1 complaints: 649 (49.2 per 1,000 homes) 98.1% responded to within time frame
Stage 2 complaints: 36 (2.7 per 1,000 homes) 69.6% responded to within time frame
Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints: 49.6%
Looking after your area 2023/24
ASB cases requiring action: 696 (52.6 per 1,000 homes)
ASB cases involving hare incidents: 3 (0.2 per 1,000 homes)
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood: 74.8%
Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling ASB: 69.9%
Helping you with money matters 2023/24
Extra income secured for customers: £4.4m
Customer debt reduced or cleared: £759k
Money saved on customers’ energy bills: £300k
Cadent winter support funds utilised: £104k
Annual report for customers 2023 - 2024 (PDF 734mb)
Click here to see annual reports from previous years
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