Making a Difference
to people's lives

Your rent 2025/26 - Frequently Asked Questions

A list of FAQs regarding your rent increase for 2025/26

When is my rent increasing?

We conduct our rent reviews each year to take effect from the first Monday in April. This year, the new charges apply from Monday 7th April 2025.

How much will my rent increase by and how have you calculated this?

The rent increase from April 2025 will be 2.7%. Our rents are reviewed every year in line with the Government’s rent setting guidance, using an agreed formula, which is the same for all housing associations across England. The guidance that rents can be increased by a measure of inflation called the Consumer Price Index (CPI), taken from the previous September, plus 1%. In September 2024 CPI was 1.7%, therefore the rent increase will be 2.7%.

Why are you increasing my rent?

Like all other landlords, the cost to run services, repair and improve homes has increased due to increased inflation. This rent increase allows us to maintain our investment in our homes. Your rent does need to increase to maintain services such as repairs and improvements to your home; improving energy efficiency as well as management and support services.

For example, last year we completed nearly 32,000 repairs and invested millions in improving your homes. You can learn more about how your money was spent during 2023/24 in our Customer Annual Report.

If we keep your rent as it is, we would need to make some tough choices to invest less in our existing homes or look at reducing some of the services you value the most - and we don’t think this would be fair.

When will my rent increase?

The increase will start from 7 April 2025.

I pay a service charge, do the same increases apply?

The same increases do not necessarily apply to service charges. Some service charges may increase, but those charges are always based on the actual costs of the services provided.

What will you spend the additional rental income on?

In 2025/26 we will continue to spend millions on the repairs and maintenance of our existing homes. We’ll spend £6.4 million on investment works:

Modern, Comfortable Living – 355 brand-new kitchens and 217 upgraded bathrooms

Warmer, More Efficient Homes – 440 new boilers, 109 window replacements, and 103 new roofs (with enhanced insulation), plus other energy efficiency improvements to boost energy efficiency.
Stronger Security & Safety – 387 new doors and continued investment in building safety measures.
Better Communities – Upgrades to shared areas for a more pleasant and welcoming environment.

What do I do if I can’t afford the increase?

If you’re experiencing difficulties paying your rent or any other personal circumstances are making this difficult for you, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Our priority is to support tenants to remain in their homes. If you have any concerns about being able to afford the increase, please contact your Housing Executive who will have a range of options available to them including a referral to our Money Matters team. Money Matters are a dedicated money advice service who can support you, help you manage your finances and help to maximise your income. The team can also offer budgeting advice and offer support to help meet rising utility costs. We can also help you get to grips with Universal Credit and debt. Our friendly Money Matters team offer a confidential, judgement-free service.

What if I disagree with the rent increase?

The rent increase has been set in accordance with guidance set out by the regulator for social housing and agreed by our Board. The base rent is set by a regulated formula and is dependent on your property type and location, it is possible to complain and appeal but we will not amend rents based on any other factor.

To make a complaint please email or visit Compliment or complaint | The Wrekin Housing Group to find out more.

I claim Universal Credit: will I have to re-apply? Will delays in re-applying mean I build up rent arrears?

You will need to let the DWP know that your rent has increased, if you don’t let them know they will continue paying last year’s rent amount.

  • You can log into your UC account as normal via the UC website:
  • Click on the ‘To-do list’ tab.
  • Click on ‘Report any changes to your housing costs’ and provide the new charges for your property. You will have received a letter from us informing you of your new charges. If you are unsure, please contact your Housing Officer who will be able to confirm the charges.
  • When you have completed the ‘to-do’ there should be an entry in your journal confirming this. Please complete your rental increase via the to-do list and not from the ‘report a change’ tab

Please only update your journal AFTER the date of the rent increase.

What if Universal Credit doesn’t cover the rent increase?

Please get in touch with your Housing Executive. Our Money Matters team can help you budget for the increase, or in some cases you may be eligible for Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) to help you cover any shortfall. The Money Matters team can help you make the application for DHP.

My rent is paid by Housing Benefit. Do I need to do anything?

If we receive Housing Benefit towards your rent, you do not need to do anything and you will automatically be notified of your revised entitlement. If you do not receive any update by the end of March, you should contact your local council.

I don’t claim benefits; do I need to adjust my direct debit or will you do this automatically?

Your direct debit will be adjusted automatically by us – you don’t have to do anything.

If you pay by standing order, you will have to notify your bank to adjust your payments.

We will write to you in March to explain your new payment plan.

Where can I get debt and budgeting advice from?

We have a dedicated Money Matters team who can help you maximise your benefits and manage your finances. They are experienced in helping tenants and are there to support you in any way they can, including getting access to specialist debt advice and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Please find out more about our Money Matters service and other cost of living advice by visiting

You can also get advice from:

Citizen Advice
