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to people's lives

Preventing wheelie bin fires

Waste bins and skips can be a very popular target for arsonists. Don’t become another fire statistic and don’t let your property become a ‘soft target’ for malicious damage and arson

Fires involving wheelie bins can easily spread to your home, putting everyone inside at risk.

Here are some top tips for helping reduce the risk:

  • Store all wheelie bins away, especially at night, to avoid them becoming a target for arsonists
  • Only place your wheelie bin out on collection day and return it to your property as soon as possible after collection
  • Whenever possible, wheelie bins should be stored securely behind locked gates
  • Do not overfill your wheelie bins or leave loose rubbish around them
  • Store your bin at least one metre away from your home, away from windows and doors and, if possible, safely secured
  • Try to keep your bin out of sight of others
  • If you see a wheelie bin on fire, call 999 and ask for the fire service

See Something, Say Something

If you see something that you think poses a fire risk to others, please let us know. It could be any of the following:

  • Bins that are overflowing and/or loose rubbish in gardens
  • Bins obstructing the footpath / means of escape for other residents
  • Bins stored under a combustible canopy or lean-too;
  • Bins stored directly in front of the fire safety doors