Making a Difference
to people's lives

Guidance on noise problems

Everyone has the right to live peacefully in their own home. Most of our tenants never experience or cause anti-social behaviour. However, should you encounter problems with noise it can damage communities and can reduce the quality of people’s lives.

What can I do about noise?

Tenants causing loud, persistent noise may be breaking the conditions of their tenancy or lease agreement. It is important that all tenants are aware of the noise they are making, the time its happening and the effect it has on people living nearby. However, the noise you are experiencing may not be caused by a Group tenant or coming from a Group property. This guidance should still help you whatever the circumstances.

We can all make some noise on occasions and it is reasonable to tolerate one off events as long as they are not excessive. If it is excessive, or at a time when most people are asleep, or becomes persistent, in the first instance consider speaking to the person making the noise and explain politely why it is troubling you. You may find they are completely unaware of the problems they have caused. Only do this if you feel happy to talk to the person and not threatened by their behaviour.

You may be able to suggest practical solutions, for example:

  • Agree times when music can be played, be turned up or down, or times that noisy domestic appliances should be avoided
  • If you want to play your music consider using earphones to minimise noise or closing windows.
  • Use carpets, rugs and soft furnishings on floor surfaces to absorb noise that travels between their property and yours. We also advise that hardwood or laminate flooring is not permitted in flats or maisonettes for this reason.
  • Ask for advance warnings before celebrations or parties.

We understand that it may not be appropriate in all cases for you to talk to your neighbour and if it’s not, or if you have tried and been ignored, then you can get help and further advice. There are a number of ways you can do this; firstly by contacting us here at the Group on 01952 217100.

Alternatively you can contact us by letter, call at one of our shops or send an email.

General enquiries: 01952 217100


In writing: The Wrekin Housing Group, Colliers Way, Old Park, Telford, TF3 4AW

We will then talk to you about the next steps and how we can help you and what you’ll need to do.

If your neighbour lives in a private address please call Telford & Wrekin Council Anti-social Behaviour reporting line on 01952 384384, Shropshire Council on 0345 6789000, or Stafford Council on 01785 619000, depending on where you live. Visit your local council’s website for more information.