Wrekin renews pledge to be Together with Tenants
The Wrekin Housing Group was one of the first to commit to the National Housing Federation’s (NHF’s) Together with Tenants campaign in 2019 and now the campaign is being rolled out nationally.
The campaign aims to build a collaborative, balanced relationship between housing associations, their tenants and residents. They have been working with residents and its members to help deliver a plan that involves, clearly setting out what tenants can expect from their landlord, accountability for boards and closer links with regulation. It also seeks to give residents a strong role in scrutinising their landlord in the future.
Over the last 15 months Wrekin has offered support as an early adopter and played a key part in developing and testing out the proposals, feeding back to the federation by sharing their experiences and findings.
Wrekin customers have played a significant role in the campaign which has led to the development and launch of a new Tenants’ Charter and scrutiny arrangements of the Charter by tenants themselves, through the Customer Assurance Panel, reporting to the Customer Voice Panel and the Group Board, further increasing our accountability to our customers.
We are proud to have been involved from such an early stage and are looking forward to continuing the work alongside our customers as the Together with Tenants campaign develops further.
If you are a Wrekin customer and would like to get involved, you can find out more on the Resident Involvement page or email getinvolved@wrekin.com. (photo taken prior to social distancing)

28th October 2020