Wrekin offers support with food bank deliveries
The Wrekin Housing Group is making a difference in the wider community by helping the Telford Crisis Support group with essential food deliveries.
The Coronavirus pandemic has seen many of the food bank drop-off points including community centres closed and a lot of service-users self-isolating at home. Telford Crisis Support group recently approached Wrekin to see if they could help with deliveries, as the team that had been assisting previously, had returned to work.
Although doorstep deliveries isn’t normally a service they offer, the activity has proved very valuable during the pandemic. Ollie Locker, Operations Manager at Telford Crisis Support said:
“Telford Crisis Support’s activities have come under increasing demand since the coronavirus crisis struck. Since January, referrals to the food bank are up by 73 percent, whilst over 13,000 meals were distributed throughout Telford in April.”
Wrekin is providing a van and driver to assist in making mid-week doorstep deliveries to vulnerable people and families self-isolating at home. Wrekin Project Development Manager Sam Hine said:
“Telford Crisis Support is a community partner we work with closely. We were keen to offer our support during these challenging times and help make a difference by assisting with much needed food deliveries”.
The Telford Crisis Support food bank is needed now more than ever. If you are in need of support or can offer a donation please visit the Telford Crisis Support website.
26th May 2020