Whitchurch housing and healthcare project enters planning stage
An exciting building project that could bring much needed housing and healthcare facilities to Whitchurch has been put forward to planners for approval.
The development at Pauls Moss aims to revitalise medical provision in the town, bringing the existing GP practices together under one roof, whilst also addressing the needs of a growing, ageing population.
As part of wider regeneration plans, the scheme will offer combined housing and care services for the over 55 age group, as well as providing a modern, purpose built medical centre and community space.
The Wrekin Housing Trust will lead on the project, in partnership with Shropshire Council, and NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The proposed development of the medical centre is being funded by both Shropshire Council and NHS England capital funding.
Managing Director of The Wrekin Housing Trust, Wayne Gethings, said: “Together with the Council, NHS Shropshire CCG and local GP practices, we’ve designed a forward-thinking solution that will provide attractive, modern facilities that will not only fulfil the needs of today, but also be there for future generations.
“Combining specialist retirement housing with health and social care facilities is a model that is already proving invaluable elsewhere in the county.”
Councillor Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s deputy leader and Cabinet member for corporate and commercial services, said:
“The need for a new medical centre in Whitchurch is well known, and this project will make sure that this need is met, and that Whitchurch has modern, accessible, and fit for purpose facilities that will help deliver the best services for patients, but also attract a high-quality workforce to the town.”
Councillor Lee Chapman, Cabinet Member for adult social care, health and housing added;
“Our main focus is to work with our partners to ensure the best possible provision of healthcare for the Whitchurch community. The development of the medical centre will help meet the needs of the local community and reflect the future design and delivery of health and social care services.”
Dr Julian Povey, Chair of NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning and GP, said: “This is a really exciting project that brings health and social care together to support patients and local people. It will become a real community asset by uniting local services on to a single, dedicated site with purpose-built facilities.”
The Shropshire Council planning consultation is open for comments from members of the public until Wednesday 30th January Project leaders expect the plans to be considered by the planning committee and a final planning decision to be made in early spring.
If approved, the project is expected to take three years to complete and will be funded by Shropshire Council, The Wrekin Housing Trust, Homes England, NHS England, NHS Shropshire CCG and the One Public Estate programme.

29th January 2019