We're giving all of our WATCH customers a call
Over the last few days as well as calling our older tenants we have also been checking in with our WATCH alarm users.
We want to make sure that all of our older or more vulnerable customers are okay and receiving the help and support they need at this difficult time.
Although many people will be getting support from family and friends, for the few that are finding things a challenge we can help.
We will be keeping in touch with these people, helping where we can with things like deliveries and referring them to wider community support and advice where needed.
Our WATCH pendant alarm service offers peace of mind to people and their loved ones helping them to live independently. This reassurance and help is available at the touch of a button 365 days a year. Complementing WATCH our Mobile response service is there for people that may not have somebody locally to help them.
You can find out more about WATCH at www.watchalarms.co.uk
Please continue to check www.wrekin.com/coronavirus for updates. You can also check our social media channels for further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for emails. Just let us know by emailing coronavirus@wrekin.com.
3rd April 2020