WATCH – Wrekin Alarm Telephone Call Helpline
At Wrekin we offer a number of services for residents in Telford and the surrounding area. This includes WATCH, a pendant alarm service which helps support and promote independent living.
The WATCH service offers peace of mind at the touch of a button, 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. It operates through a unit connected to a telephone line and a pendant which can be worn on the wrist or round the neck. If the button is pressed, help is available any time of the day or night.
Here’s our team and some WATCH customers to explain more:
Installation is quick and easy and WATCH is suitable for anybody who would like to remain independent in their own home.
The pendant alarm system is just one of the services available from WATCH. Our team can also supply and install key safes, wellbeing and security monitoring equipment. When we need to visit your home our teams are following the latest government advice on working in people’s homes, keeping to a social distance and in a COVID secure way.
To find out more contact our WATCH team on 01952 217151 or email
27th July 2020