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to people's lives

Updated guidance on COVID-19 measures Monday 11 May

On Sunday, the Prime Minister addressed the nation, outlining the latest guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Here, we break down what the latest announcement means for you.

Some key things remain the same

It is still important to stay at home wherever possible, to protect the NHS and save lives.

Social distancing is still required and we should only make essential journeys (more below). That means that there is no change on the guidance around visiting friends and family, for example.

Schools, restaurants, non-essential shops and other places that were closed and will not be reopening while the threat of COVID-19 remains high.

Vulnerable people are still urged to stay indoors, and people who display symptoms of COVID-19 are still required to self-isolate.

What has changed?


From today (Monday), workplaces will receive guidance on how to make themselves COVID-19-secure.

This is to help them start reopening, where possible. Those who can still work from home are still asked to do so, but those unable to work from home are now encouraged to return to work.

If you are unsure which category you fall into, be sure to check with your employer.

If you are returning to work this week, you are advised to avoid using public transport to get there if possible.


From Wednesday, there are to be changes to the allowance for outdoor activity and exercise. You can now exercise as often as you wish – so long as you adhere to social distancing guidelines. You will now be able to sit in the sun in the park, and drive to other destinations to exercise.

Previously, people were asked to only exercise outdoors once a day, and not to sunbathe.

Staying Alert

Even though there have been changes, it is important to stay alert, wash your hands regularly, and go out as little as possible.

The UK government says that people should only leave home if they have a "reasonable excuse". This includes:

  • Exercise - alone, or with members of your household
  • Shopping for basic necessities
  • Any medical need, or providing care for a vulnerable person
  • Travel to or from work, but only when you cannot work from home

What we’re doing at Wrekin

At Wrekin we are continuing to deliver essential services to our customers. These services include:

  • Keeping you safe in your home
  • Caring for older and more vulnerable people
  • Providing support and advice

Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates. Just let us know by emailing

11th May 2020