The Coppice shop volunteers – Working as a team
During Volunteers' Week, we'll be sharing stories about volunteers from across The Wrekin Housing Group. Volunteers’ Week is a time to say thank you for the fantastic contribution volunteers make.
Tenants living at our ShireLiving retirement complex in Bicton saw a need for a shop on scheme. As the apartments are based in a rural area, some residents didn’t find it easy to travel into town for small amounts of shopping.
So back in December, a group of eight volunteers, who live at the scheme, came together and with the help of a community grant re-opened the shop which had previously been run by a local garage.
They say, “We’re so pleased with the way the shop is going. It is an absolute joy. We get to meet lots of people. It’s very social and great for making friends. As we run the shop together we can stock it with the things that people really want, from cereals to deodorants. If we don’t have something we try our best to source it. We get to know most of the people who live here and what they like. When we started out half the shelves were empty. They are now full and the feedback has been marvellous.”
All profits are put back into the stocking the shop which has a good range of daily essentials including milk, eggs, cleaning supplies, soups and sauces.
Look out for a video featuring Beryl, Ian, Hazel, David, and Shirley across our social media pages!
Photo left to right Beryl Marston, Ian Webb, Hazel Perry, David Hurren, Shirley Smyth

4th June 2019