Making a Difference
to people's lives

Rural Housing Week 2021 - Housing as we get older

As our life expectancy increases so too has the demand for quality and affordable retirement housing.

In Shropshire it is estimated that around 23.4% of the population are hitting retirement age (65years) and with around 14% of households across Shropshire being one person pensioners; a figure mirrored across the Shrewsbury area, many older homeowners are finding that when they look to move they struggle to find suitable housing in their area.

Providing appropriate homes in more rural areas such as the outlying villages of market towns like Shrewsbury allows local people to remain in their community as they get older and their needs and mobility requirements change.

Opened in 2018 Wrekin’s The Coppice, ShireLiving scheme has established itself as a vibrant retirement community in the village of Bicton just outside of Shrewsbury.

Its 85 apartments are home to older people who live independently and enjoy the security of friendly staff on hand to help, landscaped grounds and other spaces including a café to socialise with their neighbours.

Gwendolyn and Roger moved into their apartment in February and despite moving during a period of lockdown were able to quickly settle into life at The Coppice. Enjoying their new home and discovering all that’s on offer there they said;

“We have everything we need here, we are well looked after, we are yet to meet everyone but it’s very friendly. We enjoy the food and the whole place, there are so many activities like scrabble and Boccia bowls – the staff are very helpful. If you are thinking of coming to move here get your name down early for the Coppice!”

Activities and wellbeing sessions are part of daily life at The Coppice and Activities and Events Coordinator Julie Richards explains;

“We are building our activities back up following COVID while keeping everyone safe. All of our residents get involved. We have lots on offer from walking groups and exercise, Boccia bowls, coffee afternoons and even popular games like scrabble and cards. I like to get to know peoples interests so that we can include them and enjoy bringing people out of their shell, helping them to adjust to their new home and make friends.”

Work has recently started to expand The Coppice with an additional 28 new purpose built retirement apartments in addition and adjacent to the main building together with 26 new one and two bedroom bungalows which will complete the scheme. The extension will also see the parking and landscaped gardens expanded.

8th July 2021