Supporting our community partners
The impact of COVID-19 on the communities we work within has been enormous. As we continue to deliver our essential services, teams from Wrekin have been adapting to new roles and joining forces with partners to make sure everyone can get the essential supplies they need and that essential tasks continue to happen within our communities.
Working in partnership with The Pioneer Group in Castle Vale our team are helping to transport and deliver crucial goods and food parcels to vulnerable people and families across the area. Each delivery contains a mix of fresh and store cupboard items. Colleagues have also been supporting local food banks with deliveries of foods and medicines across Telford & Wrekin and Oswestry.
Although our Reviive furniture stores are temporarily closed Reviive have been working with Age UK and the Community Health Trust to ensure those returning home from hospital are able have the space they need to install important equipment such as specialist beds. They have also been assisting with those in immediate need of furniture and white goods.
We have taken on the posting of planning notices on behalf of Shropshire Council, a task which has easily bolted on to our daily routines and we are also assisting Local Authorities to help house the homeless and rough sleepers.
Colleagues have been taking on interim duties across our ShireLiving extra care schemes. Supporting with daily welfare checks, the delivery of meals and lending a helping hand with some fun tasks like socially distanced game shows!
As restrictions on our daily lives continue we are remaining in contact with our older and more vulnerable tenants by telephone. These welfare checks ensure that we can assist with requests for shopping and medicine when needed advice and signpost to partners that can help.
Please continue to check and our social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates. Just let us know by emailing
28th April 2020