New home signals new start for Oswestry family
Demand for affordable rented homes is high. With house prices across Shropshire including Oswestry topping eight times the average wage, the challenge in building more is finding suitable land for development.
This is where The Wrekin Housing Group’s Interim Group Chief Executive Wayne Gethings, says creativity and local people could be key.
“We’re appealing to local landowners for help. It doesn’t always take acres to build. Every single home counts, and by selling to us landowners, even of smaller pockets and difficult to access land, could help us make a huge difference in Oswestry.”
The Trust has successfully developed smaller sites across the town providing new homes for affordable rent like 53 family homes built on a redundant brownfield site, the former Richard Burbidge factory.
For Ibraham Youssef and his family a new family home in Oswestry has been life changing. “We were living in a house owned by a private landlord. The house was damp and I felt it wasn’t good for my children. Luckily we were able to rent with The Wrekin Housing Trust. It is a new-build home and suits us perfectly.”
Ibraham, who works in catering and says his son Issa has settled in well at the nearby school, said, “Our neighbours are very friendly and we have a lovely two-bedroom house with a nice garden for my children to play in”.
The Trust hopes to provide more affordable family homes in Oswestry and is asking anyone with a potential building site to get in touch.
To discuss sale of land for The Wrekin Housing Trust to provide further affordable housing in Oswestry, call Steve Swann on 01952 217016.
Completed homes at Cornovii Gardens, Oswestry.

25th February 2019