More services available to all customers
As restrictions on our daily lives continue to be relaxed we are restarting more and more services.
As restrictions on our daily lives continue to be relaxed we are restarting more and more services.
The Housing Minister, Chris Pincher MP, has written an open letter to all social housing tenants. The letter sets out how and when housing associations such as The Wrekin Housing Group should be implementing services in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. So we are taking this opportunity to update our customers on our service offer at this time.

We have continued to offer an essential service to all customers throughout the pandemic. We are now bringing additional services back. We are now carrying out external repairs such as roofing and brickwork, and by the end of June we will be offering our routine repairs service in line with demand. A number of our contractors are returning to work so our planned work programme will increase over the next couple of months, our will focus initially be on external work, before reintroducing internal planned work and we will contact you when we are able to schedule work on your home.

We have continued to service and ensure the safety of gas boilers throughout the pandemic period. We have started to carry out external and internal maintenance. The planned installation of new boilers will begin once the government guidance has changes to allow us to do so.

Our lettings are open to new customers and to those wishing to transfer to a different Wrekin property.

You must continue to pay your rent as usual. We understand that for some customers this is becoming increasingly challenging so if you are struggling please contact us so we can provide expert support and advice our specialist welfare benefits and debt advisors.

Anti-Social behaviour should be reported in the usual way.

If you are, or someone you know is, suffering from domestic abuse we are providing support and advice.
The reintroduction of any of our services will only take place in line with government guidance and when we can ensure that they can be carried out in a COVID-secure way.
Our offices and retail premises remain closed to the public for now and will only reopen when government guidance changes.
While restrictions are being reduced you are reminded to stay alert and:
- Stay at home as much as possible, leaving only for exercise, to go to work (if you cannot work from home), buy essential groceries, and access medical care
- Limit contact with other people, and keeping your distance (2m apart)
- Wash our hands often
Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information.
28th May 2020