Electrical Installation Testing - please help us keep you safe
During COVID-19, we all have to follow government advice and guidelines. At Wrekin we have a legal obligation to ensure the safety of the electrical installation in your home. For you as customers, this means we carry out an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) every 5 years.
The EICR is essential to ensure the electrical installation in your home is safe for continued use.
This is done by checking your mains board and the different electrical circuits throughout the home to ensure that there is no fault or degrading of the electrical system, which could in turn present a danger to life through electric shock or fire.
During these challenging times we are still completing our EICR programme and working with our contractor the Dodd Group to ensure these essential checks are completed.
If your home is due its EICR we will contact you via letter with an appointment 1-2 weeks before the appointment is due. Within this letter is important information about the test, what to do if the appointment is not convenient, and about how Dodd Group will adhere to the latest government advice and guidelines around COVID-19.
Each EICR can take 1-4 hours depending on the size of your home and it is important to note that we will require access to most of the rooms to check the electrical items such as circuits and plug sockets to ensure they are still safe and fit for purpose. We will minimise the amount of items we touch as much as necessary and you can request that the engineer use additional PPE if you are shielding.
At the visit Dodd Group engineers will:
- wash or sanitise hands before, during and after the visit
- maintain a distance of 2m from you and ask you to remain in a separate room to the one they are working in
- avoid unnecessary touching of items in your home
- minimise the amount of time spent in your home
- wear gloves and masks where necessary
- take any other precautions considered necessary
If the engineer finds a fault, they will fix this at the time of the visit to help keep you safe. There may be times where the engineer finds that the installation although safe to use, is in need of an upgrade or rewire, where this is identified the engineer will discuss with you and arrange a return visit for the necessary work to take place.
Please remember – if you have any issues with the electric in your homes, for example, broken plug sockets, constant tripping of the main board to report these to our Repairs Line on 01952 217217 to arrange an electrician to attend.
29th June 2020