Covid-19 update - Your rent - Thursday 19 March
The emergence of Coronavirus Covid-19 is bringing big challenges to us all locally and across the county.
Our priority is to maintain the safety and wellbeing of our customers, service users and staff.
Services you receive
As you would expect there will be changes to how we deliver services and if you contact us to access a service we will be asking you if you are self-isolating. This is to help us keep customers and staff safe. While there will be changes to some services much of our work continues, particularly around our statutory duties, so you will continue to receive programmed communications from us.
Changes we have made
In line with government advice around social distancing and an enhanced focus on hygiene we have made some changes:
- Our offices, community centres and retail units have closed to customers and the general public. We are offering many services by telephone or online
- We are increasing the cleaning of communal areas in flats, sheltered housing, extra care and residential care settings
- We are ensuring that staff have appropriate equipment so that we can deliver services in a safe way
- We are restricting visiting to our residential and nursing care facilities
Your rent
Many of you will be aware of government statements yesterday and more information is expected today around rents. We are responding appropriately and would like to remind all customers that you should still be paying your rent during this period. We are aware that many of you, and many others across the community, are facing great uncertainty so we have a range of services available to help provide support and advice to our customers on financial and welfare matters. Please contact your housing executive if you are experiencing difficulties.
Keeping you updated
Please continue to check our website and social media channels for further updates. If you would like to receive updates directly we can send you an email. Please email to sign up for updates.
19th March 2020