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Can I still claim benefits while furloughed?

Though a lot of the focus of COVID-19 is on our health, our financial wellbeing matters too. We know that the impact of COVID-19 will mean that more people will be worried about their money, and a number of people will be faced with difficult decisions about their finances.

We are here to help provide the best possible advice. This week, we’re looking in more depth about being furloughed.

If your employer needs to put you on temporary leave ('furlough') during the COVID-19 pandemic, they will confirm this to you in writing. The written agreement should set out how much you will get paid during their furlough.

How much will my furloughed wages be?

Companies and businesses can now start claiming up to 80% of your wages back from the government (up to £2,500 per month). You should expect to be paid up to 80% of your normal pay during the furlough period. Some companies may top up wages to 100%, but they do not have to do this.

Can I claim any help from benefits if I am furloughed?

Yes! However this does depend on your personal and household circumstances (all of the income coming into your home and who lives with you). You may be entitled to help from Universal Credit, which could also include help towards your rent. Your local authority can advise if you are entitled to help towards your Council Tax.

Our Money Matters Team can advise and guide you on the help you may be entitled to. Contact the team directly on 01952 217234 or email

You can also use an online benefit calculator and we would recommend Turn2Us.

For up to date information on the furlough process, visit or Acas.

If you have a workplace problem and need advice you can contact the Acas helpline on 0300 123 1100 you don’t need to give any personal details.

Here to help

It is important to take your financial wellbeing seriously, act quickly, and seek free help if you find yourself in difficultly.

We understand how quickly financial worries can spiral into serious debt problems without help and intervention, and you can receive free, impartial, confidential debt advice Wrekin Debt Advice 01952 217 251.

You can also receive free, regulated debt advice from your local Citizens Advice or Step Change.

View a range of Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 and what this means for your finances.

23rd April 2020