C19 update and news - Friday 1st May
During the Coronavirus pandemic we are continuing to deliver essential services to our customers: • Keeping you safe in your home
• Delivering care
• Providing support and advice
I want to take this opportunity to thank our care staff for the fantastic work they are doing. They always carry out their duties so professionally and with empathy but in the current situation they are going above and beyond, something I know that residents and their families appreciate and I hope all our other customers do as well. There has been much in the news in recent days about the social care sector so I would like to reassure everyone that we are doing all we can to support care staff at this time. In particular we are supporting staff in helping them access COVID-19 testing.
Staff from across the organisation have this week been involved in a number of community initiatives helping to make a difference to people’s lives. We are sharing lots of positive stories on our social media channels but I wanted to share just four examples with you here:
1. Our housing teams have been calling older and more vulnerable customers to offer them support
2. Our trade’s teams in Castle Vale have been helping to deliver food and medicines in the community
3. We have been supporting Shropshire Council with installing planning notices
4. We have donated children’s books from our charity book store (currently closed) to a community scheme in Ludlow
Finally we have had news from a number of developers who are building new properties for us. Over 75% of our development sites will be active again from next Monday all with appropriate social distancing and working practices in place. It is great to see the much needed delivery of new properties continue at this time.
We would like to call on all our customers, staff and partners to continue to follow government guidance around social distancing. Please:
- Stay at home
- If you do go out please stay at least 2m from each other
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
If you do need to leave your home it should only be to go to work, and then only if you cannot work from home, to access medical care, purchase essential shopping and to exercise once each day.
Please continue to check www.wrekin.com/coronavirus and our social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates. Just let us know by emailing coronavirus@wrekin.com
1st May 2020