Making a Difference
to people's lives

C19 update - staying the same for now - Friday 26 June

In the last week, we have heard a number of new planned changes in government advice as the lockdown is eased. With lots of our town facilities and services planning to reopen, it is an exciting time.

We have recently published further information about the government changes that are taking place on Saturday 4 July and how they will affect you.

Our customer and staff safety is, as always, our number one priority so the way in which we operate will not change for the time being. We will continue to maintain a 2 metre social distance wherever possible. Our offices, retail outlets and community centres are still closed to the public and we thank you for your understanding about this.

There has been great feedback about our repairs service, which has been recently reintroduced. We are continuing to review the demand for this service, so if you do have a repair that you have been meaning to report, please do get in touch by calling 01952 217217. Our HandyHelp service is also back in operation for outdoor works only.

Guidance from the government means that we are all still required to stay alert and:

  • Stay at home as much as possible
  • Limit contact with other people by only meeting people in your support bubble and in line with government rules about social distancing
  • Wash our hands often

If you, or your anyone in your household, develops COVID-19 symptoms you can request a test online or by calling 119.

Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information.

26th June 2020