Making a Difference
to people's lives

C19 update - keeping you updated - Friday 12 June

We are continuing to bring more and more services back including, from next week, more repairs services so do get in touch if you have a repair that you have been holding off on reporting.

Thank you for continuing to let us into your properties when we need access. This is essential for us to keep you safe in your homes. When we do need to visit your home our teams are following the latest government advice on working in people’s homes. We will ask if you or anyone in your home is self-isolating, shielding or has symptoms of covid-19. We will also ask you to keep to a social distance, this enables our trades to get on with their work in a safe environment while also keeping you safe.

Lots of government rules about how we can interact with other households and individuals are being relaxed all the time. We are keeping up to date with the latest advice and addressing how this impacts the services we provide. Please watch our website for specific information about support bubbles and the test and trace system including detail on fraudsters.

Guidance from the government means that we are all required to stay alert and:

  • Request a test (online or by calling 119) via the NHS Test and Trace scheme if you, or your anyone in your household, develop symptoms
  • Stay at home as much as possible, leaving only for exercise, to go to work (if you cannot work from home), buy essential groceries, and access medical care
  • Limit contact with other people, and keeping your distance (2m apart)
  • Wash our hands often

Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information.

12th June 2020