C19 update – face coverings, shielding and accessing your home - Friday 17 July
Guidelines around shielding are changing but we should all be mindful that many people are still taking additional precautions. Please be respectful of this in public spaces.
For those with underlying health conditions in the ‘extremely vulnerable’ group, ‘shielding’ remains in place until the end of July. We will update again on shielding in the coming weeks, but in the meantime here is a recap of the current guidance:
- You can meet in a group of up to six people outdoors, including people from different households, while maintaining social distancing.
- Interact with other members of your household without needing to socially distance.
- Form a ‘support bubble’ with one other household. All those in a support bubble will be able to spend time together inside each other’s homes, including overnight, without needing to socially distance.
If you are shielding and need to access one of our services that means that we will need to visit your home please inform us when you contact us so we can make the necessary arrangements.
For more information about who has been advised to shield, visit the NHS Digital website.
Face Coverings
As the easing of lockdown continues, we would like to draw attention to new guidance being introduced on face coverings. From Friday 24 July face coverings will need to be worn in shops, or you may risk facing a fine of up to £100. Some ideas for making your own face coverings are available in our on our website.
Accessing your home
When we need to visit your home our teams are following the latest government advice on working in people’s homes, keeping to a social distance and in a COVID-secure way.
So that we keep you and our staff safe, we will:
- Ask you if you are self-isolating, have COVID-19 symptoms or are shielding
- Ask if we can wash our hands at the start and end of our visit
- Ask you to leave the room when carrying out the job
- Ask you to stay 2m apart from us at all times.
This enables our trades to get on with their work in a safe environment while also keeping you safe.
Everyone is reminded that we are all still required to stay alert and:
- Stay at home as much as possible
- Limit contact with other people and keep your distance (2m apart)
- Wash our hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds
Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates at coronavirus@wrekin.com
We will continue to update you on the latest government advice on COVID-19, but do check the gov.uk website in the first instance for the most up-to-date information
17th July 2020