Making a Difference
to people's lives

C19 update – continuing to keep you safe - Friday 17 April

Continuing to keep you safe in your home.

Now the government have announced a further three weeks’ of restrictions, we want to reassure you that we are continuing to make a difference to people’s lives by delivering essential services to our fantastic customers.

We are continuing to:

  • Keep you safe in your homes
  • Provide care services
  • And provide vital support and advice.

Thank you to all of our customers for their support and understanding during this period. We are proactively reaching out to our older and more vulnerable customers, but if any customer is struggling please get in touch with us and we will do our very best to support you.

The situation may change, so please continue to check and our social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates. Just let us know by emailing

17th April 2020