C19 update - bringing back services - Friday 15 May
Following last Sunday’s update from the Prime Minister and further government guidance and announcements this week, we are developing plans to reintroduce more front line services. All reintroduced services will adhere to the latest government guidance and above all we will be ensuring our working environments continue to be COVID-19 secure, and safe for our customers and staff.
We have already started some work so that we can reopen our lettings, enabling us to help more families across Telford & Wrekin, Shropshire and Staffordshire.
External works on properties will begin to be reintroduced in a phased way from next week.
We are also planning for the safe reopening of our offices with all necessary adjustments for social distancing introduced before they are open. In line with government guidance we will continue to have staff also working from home where possible.
More than 75% of our development sites are now back to work and we remain committed to expanding our housing provision helping us to keep moving the organisation forward and to make a difference to people’s lives.
You can view a video update from our Chief Executive here.
Some changes to restrictions on our lives are changing but we are all reminded that we should be staying alert and:
- Staying at home as much as possible, leaving only for exercise, to go to work (if you cannot work from home), buy essential groceries, and access medical care
- Limiting contact with other people, and keeping your distance (2m apart)
- Washing our hands often
Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information.
If there are particular services you feel we should be reintroducing as a priority please share your ideas with us by emailing: coronavirus@wrekin.com.
15th May 2020