Awards add up for accountancy graduate Chris
A Wrekin Housing Trust employee has won two prestigious accountancy awards after clocking up national top marks in his latest exam papers.

Finance Assistant, Chris Lewis, 27, of Newport, undertook professional exams in inheritance tax and VAT with the Association of Tax Technicians (ATT), the leading professional body for those providing UK tax compliance services.
Chris achieved the highest scores across the UK in both exams, with scores of 91 and 86 per cent, and was awarded medals for each in recognition of his success at a London ceremony last month.
The awards were handed over by former presidents of the ATT, Mr. Peter Gravestock and Mr. John Kimmer, at a lunch event held at the Royal Society of Chemistry on 20th March. Six awards were presented in total.
Group Finance Manager at The Wrekin Housing Trust, Carron Morrow, said: “We are extremely proud of Chris and his recent exam success. To win not one but two medals awarded by the Association of Tax Technicians is simply exceptional.
“Chris’ commitment to both his studies and his work is exemplary. Chris is a valuable member of the finance team and is an excellent role model for any junior members of the team who may wish to pursue a career in finance or specialise in taxation.”
Chris said: “A lot of time and effort goes into studying for these industry exams, the medals are a great reward for all the hard work. it’s lovely to have something tangible to show for it.
“The next goal is to achieve Chartered Tax Adviser status by November 2019.”
9th April 2018