Making a Difference
to people's lives

Your Wrekin newsletter June 2024

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Wayne's Wrekin word

Welcome to the Summer edition of Your Wrekin.

Making sure your voices are heard and ensuring we act on your feedback is one of our top priorities here at Wrekin. In this edition of Your Wrekin we’re delighted to share our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results for 2023/24 with you.

They provide information about:

  • How we’re performing
  • How we’ve taken customers’ views into account
  • What we’re doing to improve our services

Our results show most of you are satisfied with our overall service and repairs, and feel you are treated with fairness and respect.

We know from your feedback we’ve got some work to do on tackling anti-social behaviour and how we handle complaints, which we are working hard to improve on. You can learn more about the TSMs and how we’re performing in this newsetter.

Our Money Matters team continue to be there for customers who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. Last year, the team helped our tenants secure an extra £4.3m in extra income. If you’re experiencing difficulties paying your rent, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Wayne Gethings, Group Chief Executive

Kevin Morgan, Customer Committee Chair

Hello, I’m Kevin, Chair of Wrekin’s Customer Committee.

Your voice is at the heart of everything Wrekin does.

In this edition you can find out about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). These are standards set by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords are doing at providing good quality homes and services. If you missed out on completing the TSM survey there are plenty of other ways you can make your voice heard.

There is now a What’s On calendar at, listing all upcoming events, including housing drop-ins where you can speak to the team in person.

If you prefer to have your say from the comfort of your home there are plenty of other ways to get involved too! Sign up to our Wrekin Voices newsletter or follow our Facebook group.

Go to to find out more.

You can read more about Kevin's life, work and interests in this newsletter.

Money Matters - Here to help - Universal Credit

The process of moving people from ‘legacy benefits’ to Universal Credit is now underway.

It affects people receiving Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, Income Support, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance and Income-based Employment Support Allowance.

If you claim any of these benefits and have received a ‘Migration Notice’, you must make a claim for Universal Credit by the date on the letter. If you don’t, your benefits could stop.

If you haven’t received a notice yet, don’t panic. Most people will receive their notice by April 2025.

It’s important not to do anything until you receive your notice.

If you make your Universal Credit claim after receiving the notice, and before the deadline, the total amount you get will not reduce. That’s because you will receive ‘transitional protection’ – which means that if your Universal Credit entitlement works out less than you were previously receiving, you will get a top-up.

If you need help, you can call the number on your Migration Notice or contact our friendly Money Matters team. Call 01952 217234 or email

53 week rent year explained

If you get help towards your rent from Universal Credit, there will be a shortfall this year.

The DWP will pay for 52 weeks a year, but unusually this year you will pay rent for 53 weeks, because there are 53 Mondays.

This means that there is one week in this rent year when you will not get any help, and you will need to make up this shortfall. It will be easier for you to spread this payment over the year.

If you’re struggling to pay your rent or need help understanding your payments, contact your Housing Executive.

Gas safety checks

Here at Wrekin we are committed to making sure you are safe and secure in your home.

Carrying out an annual gas safety check at your property is an important part of this work.

When your gas safety check is due, you will receive an appointment letter. If you need to rearrange, you can contact us on 01952 217217.

As your landlord, we are legally required to carry out these checks and we appreciate your support in providing access, as set out in your tenancy conditions.

Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Previously we have shared our satisfaction results in our annual report and on our website, but this year the Regulator of Social Housing has introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) that we have adopted instead.

These measures are compulsory for us to collect, and because all other social housing providers will be sharing their results too you can compare our results against theirs.

What are the TSMs?

'Tenant Satisfaction Measures' (TSMs) are a new way for you to find out how happy our customers are with the way Wrekin delivers key services.

The TSMs were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) in April 2023 for all social housing providers. 

There are 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures that we report on, split into two parts:

12 customer perception measures: These show your satisfaction with the services we provide, for example, how well we’ve managed your repair or resolved complaints.

10 performance measures: These measures are based on our performance information, for example, how many of our homes meet the Decent Homes standard and how many cases of anti-social behaviour have been reported to us.

Overall results

We started to collect the TSM data from 1st April 2023, and now have our first full year's performance report. In our report we look at how we’re performing, what we’ve learned, and any actions and improvements that we are taking as a result.

The list below shows the ratings for all the surveys carried out in 2023/24, which cover the 12 customer perception measures.

  • 90% Overall customer satisfaction
  • 90% Overall satisfaction with repairs service
  • 90% Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair
  • 89% Satisfaction that the home is well maintained
  • 90% Satisfaction that the home is safe
  • 77% Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them
  • 82% Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them
  • 87% Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect
  • 50% Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling complaints
  • 74% Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained
  • 75% Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood
  • 70% Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling anti-social behaviour

Click here to read the full report or to find out more about our TSM results.

Get to know Kevin - your Customer Committee Chair

Originally from Liverpool, Kevin began his working life at 14 years old. His interest in music led him to serve as an Army musician for six years, mainly based in Germany. He then worked for an Automotive Manufacturer for 10 years, during which time he was awarded a Union Scholarship and studied Economics, Politics, and English literature at Ruskin College, Oxford.

Kevin moved to the West Midlands as a Trade Union Official in 1978, and from 1983, he was employed as a Planning Officer at The University of Wolverhampton.

After retiring in 2004, Kevin emigrated to Canada. He returned to the UK in 2013 and from 2016, settled in Telford as a Wrekin tenant.

Kevin applied for the role of Chair of Wrekin’s Customer Committee after seeing a poster at his scheme.

Kevin said: "I was very pleased and proud to be selected for such a key post. It carries a lot of importance as you’re speaking directly to the group board itself."

Kevin has always had an interest in social housing. Growing up, his family, like many at the time, struggled and were forced to live in one room at his grandmother’s house.

Kevin said: “It was about 1948 when we got our first home. We were so proud to be able to move in to a three-bed terrace council house. That’s the sort of person I am, that’s where I came from. No airs and graces, I’m not going to doff my cap to anybody. I’ll talk to everybody as an equal.”

Kevin is still active as a trade unionist and has an interest in local politics. He is also very passionate about tall ships and is currently involved in the campaign Save Tall Ship Tenacious - the only ship in the world designed to be sailed by a mixed ability crew, including those with significant physical impairments.

Kevin added: “They can have eight wheelchairs on board which is phenomenal! They can lift a wheelchair up to the crows nest. It’s fantastic. If we lose that facility then no disabled person will be able to go sail training. I’m trying to reach out to as many people and say this unique ship needs support - so please help us on the campaign and sign our petition.”

The Customer Committee play a key role in helping Wrekin make a difference to people’s lives. From regulations and repairs to neighbourhoods and homes, the committee can bring anything to the Board.

If there is something you would like them to look into, get in touch at:

ASB: Anti-social behaviour

We take anti-social behaviour (ASB) within our homes, neighbourhoods and communities very seriously.

We treat any behaviour that is likely to cause nuisance, harassment, alarm or distress to anyone as ASB.

This can take many forms, from noise nuisance to graffiti, fly-tipping, verbal abuse or physical assault.

With the nicer weather and the Euros getting underway, we ask you to be a considerate neighbour and keep any noise to an acceptable level.

If any behaviour displayed by others is affecting your enjoyment of your home, please get in touch by emailing or calling us on 01952 217100.

Your Housing Executive will listen to your concerns and offer advice. They will work with you to plan an agreed way forward to resolve any issues.

We will not approach the person you have reported without your permission, and you can remain anonymous if you wish.

Remember, some forms of ASB are criminal matters. You can contact the police on 999 in an emergency, or 101 in other circumstances.

Stop domestic abuse

Domestic abuse takes many forms and affects all areas of society.

It is controlling and coercive behaviour that can be psychological, physical, sexual, economic, emotional, or a combination.

We are committed to preventing domestic abuse and reducing the risk of harm to adults and/or children who are experiencing it.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or you are concerned about someone else, you can contact us on 01952 217100. We will look at how best to support you to get the assistance you need.

In an emergency, contact the police on 999.

Furnish your home for less

Wrekin Reviive specialises in the resale of donated household furniture and electrical goods through its recycling and upcycling centres in Oswestry and Shrewsbury, as well as online.

Its aim is to make the most possible use out of furniture and household goods that people no longer need, reducing fly-tipping and diverting items from waste.

182 tonnes of items have been diverted from waste in the past 12 months.

All Wrekin customers are eligible for a 30% discount off all Reviive products. Take a look at our website and browse the great range of products available. There is also free delivery to the store nearest to you!

Do you use the Housing Perks App? You can now find Wrekin Reviive on there too.

Follow our Wrekin Reviive Facebook page to hear about new products in store or to find out about pop up shops in your area.

Shop online or in store

Housing Perks

Save money with Housing Perks

Wrekin tenants can now take advantage of discounts at their favourite shops with the Housing Perks app. Housing Perks gives you access to discounts with over 100 brands and stores – helping you save money with everyday spending.

We know finances are tight at the moment, and the app will help to save money by offering discounts on everyday items and essentials such as groceries, clothing, home furnishings, DIY, and family days out.

Housing Perks is free, quick and easy to sign up for:

  • Download the Housing Perks app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Press “Sign up”, enter your details and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • You will be asked for your ‘Organisation ID/Housing Association name’, type Wrekin select The Wrekin Housing Group from the list and click continue.
  • You will need to enter your Tenancy Reference Number – this can be found on your tenancy agreement or rent letter.
  • Now you’re all signed up!

For more information about the Housing Perks app visit or email

Word search

The word search can be found on the back of the address sheet that came with your newsletter or click here to see a digital copy the word search.

All the words in the list can be found in the grid, apart from one. Find the missing word and email it with your name and contact details to for your chance to win a £50 shopping voucher.

Please email your entries with your name and contact details to: by midnight on Friday 30 August 2024. If you are unable to email your entry, you can send it to: Your Wrekin competition, M&C, The Wrekin Housing Group, FREEPOST RTSU-ATXA-ZATE, Colliers Way, Old Park, Telford, TF3 4AW

Terms and conditions: By entering our competitions, you agree to having your photo taken for promotional purposes. All competition entrants must be Wrekin tenants. If you are under 18 years old you must ask an adult to enter on your behalf, details must include the child’s name, age and the adults contact details. Competition winners will be notified in the next issue of Your Wrekin.

December’s wordsearch winner

Michael Love from Hadley found the missing word from December’s word search - CLOTHING, and was drawn at random to win £50 in vouchers. Congratulations Michael.