Making a Difference
to people's lives

Your Feedback

Your feedback has helped us improve our services for the better. On this page you can find ways our Wrekin Voices have made a difference.

kitchens feedback imageKitchen Finishes Survey

We were planning some changes to the kitchen finishes we provide and wanted customer input on which options they would like to see available. We created a short picture survey for Wrekin Voices.

We needed to offer two new worktop choices to add to the popular oak and black options and three cupboard door choices to add to and existing silver choice.

What we are doing with the feedback

Following the results of the survey we will be introducing marble and stone worktop finishes to the popular selections of black and oak. Slate grey and oak cupboard doors will be available as a choice alongside the popular ivy and silver options.

Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) Engagement Project Feedback

In September 2023 we engaged with customers about Anti Social Behaviour (ASB). We wanted to better understand the impact ASB has on customer experience and our handling of issues reported to us. We conducted in depth conversations, called journey mapping, with 31 customers who had reported ASB between March and August 2023. We also looked at themes of dissatisfaction from our surveys and had conversations through estate walkabouts.

Antisocial behaviour mapping feedback imageWhat we found out

  • 63% of customers rated the ASB service from Wrekin as good (8-10)
  • 26% of customers rated the ASB service from Wrekin as not good (1-5)
  • Around 63% of customers have a positive experience of Wrekin’s ASB service – however around 37% are not satisfied with handling or are neutral.
  • Customers recognise that we can’t directly control all outcomes of ASB issues.
  • There is opportunity to improve the service with better communication, consistency of case handling and increased empathy from staff.
  • Recent refresher training to staff seems to be having a positive effect.
  • More opportunities for staff to share learning and collaborate could help resolve cases quicker.

What we are doing with the feedback

Our housing teams are working on new local neighbourhood plans to help build on each area’s unique community, qualities and improve where you live.

We’re creating more opportunities for Housing officers to discuss ASB cases and problem solve together.

We’re delivering ASB refresher training to the Housing team and ensuring learning is ongoing to incorporate any changes in legislation and practice.

Neighbourhood survey and engagement project feedback

Last summer we engaged with our customers about the neighbourhoods they live in. We did this through a range of feedback opportunities like community events, walkabouts and action days. We captured views about neighbourhoods and communities through conversations and surveys. Over 2,200 people took part.

neighbourhood project image with pie chart

What we found out

  • 73% of customers rate their neighbourhood as good (8-10)
  • 12% of customers rate their neighbourhood as poor (not good) (1-5)
  • Customers say we can help improve an area with better grounds maintenance, parking, traffic management, and support with neighbour issues.
  • Just under 10% of customers can’t access everything they need easily like health services.
  • Traffic / speed, anti-social behaviour, drugs and parking are a concern
  • Top likes are quiet and peaceful, neighbours, estate appearance and closeness to amenities
  • Many of you would like to improve your neighbourhood through volunteering

What we are doing with the feedback

Our housing teams are working on new local neighbourhood plans to help build on each area’s unique community, qualities and improve where you live.

Customers who indicated that they would be interested in volunteering to improve where they live have been contacted to see what their interests are and how we can work together.

We’re shaping our community impact activity, linking with local partners to help build community resilience.

Repairs and Maintenance Project Feedback

During November and December 2024, we engaged with customers to share their experiences during the repairs process, from initial contact through to works being completed. This was done through a variety of ways including shadowing the customer contact centre to observe the beginning of the process, visits with trades to carry out repairs and following up on outcomes of follow works. Customers were asked to feedback via surveys online, during events and focus groups and telephone, customers were also given the opportunity to feedback on the repairs and maintenance policy during this time.

repairs feedback summary report image

What we found out

  • 98% of customers rate reporting repairs as easy
  • 86% of customers were satisfied overall with the repairs service
  • 14% of customers were not satisfied overall with the repairs service stating not being kept informed/communication as the biggest reason
  • 82% of customers stated they felt kept informed during the repairs process
  • 76% of customers felt we had got it right first time
  • Customers are saying they like the same day repair service, prioritising this as important

What we are doing with the feedback

The feedback has influenced the improvements to our existing same day repairs service with recommendations for improvement being around keeping customers informed of changes to appointments. Feedback of outcomes is also being delivered directly to specific focus groups who had been involved in sharing their views.


You said, we did...

  • Residents at one of our ShireLiving Extra Care schemes in Wellington asked if we could have defibrillators at all of our ShireLiving and Retirement living sites. Outcome: We installed 64 of the life-saving equipment across all of the schemes
  • Customers fed back that they wanted more information about how to let a new build home. Outcome: We set up a working group with members of our housing, development, customer voice and marketing teams. The result was a series of FAQ videos with further details, created in partnership with customers.
  • Our ShireLiving tenant panel fed back that they would like a Facebook group to keep in touch with each other and share ideas. Outcome: We created a Facebook page that showcased events and activities at each scheme. We also set up a ShireLiving Residents Group so they can keep in touch with each other safely.
  • Residents at Highfield estate in Stafford were having trouble parking as areas had become overgrown and attracted rubbish. Outcome: We arranged for the overgrown areas to be cut back and cleared of rubbish. One resident told us, "I’m so proud of this car park now!"
  • A disused communal bin storage area at Glenhill Court in Oakengates had created a hot spot for fly tipping. Outcome: The bin store has been removed and the grounds landscaped in keeping with the surrounding area. This instantly improved the appearance and deterred fly tipping.


Neighbourhoods are an important part of our customers experience. We often go out and about in communities to see what people think and where we can make improvements. We do this through surveys, walkabouts, community events and action days.


We often send out surveys to find out what customers think about our services.

In Spring 2023 we sent a short survey asking our customers preferred Housing Model and if they would like to be involved if changes are made in the future. We also asked how they prefer to contact Wrekin with housing queries.

Customer feedback reports

Our customer feedback reports summarise all the ways customers have engaged and fed back to Wrekin. They list engagement activities and opportunities like walkabouts, customer panels and events.

You will also see information on more focused engagement projects and how we are doing with repairs, housing and complaints. Take a look at our latest reports - April 2023, July 2023, September 2023, November 2023, January 2024 and May 2024

Policy feedback

We asked you to look at some of our policies and tell us what you think. Here you can find some of the feeback you gave us. Take a look at the feedback results from our Lift, Tree, Neighbourhoods and Tenancy management, Domestic Abuse and Complaints Policy.