Page 4 - Annual report 2020-21
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TENANT INVOLVEMENT                        Annual report for customers
                                            & EMPOWERMENT STANDARD                                     2020/2021

                                            LANDLORD SERVICES

                          360               LANDLORD SERVICE COMPLAINTS
                                            The number of complaints we received about our landlord services
                  Landlord service          increased by 24% since 2019/20. The top five reasons for       Read more
             COMPLAINTS                     complaint were:

                                               28% Poor communication
                                               12% Quality
                                               11% Complaint not upheld
                                               10% Developer
                                                7% Attitude

                             26             CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICE

                 Care and support           COMPLAINTS
                                            The number of complaints we received about our care and support services
             COMPLAINTS                     decreased by 68% from 83 complaints in 2019/20 to 26 in 2020/21. In
                                            previous years we have seen that the number of complaints received were
                                            due to family/external parties visiting the services, however due to lock-downs
                                            the visitors to services were minimal.

                         87%                CUSTOMER SERVICE

                            Overall         Our STAR survey measures the Satisfaction of Tenants           Read more
                 CUSTOMER                   And Residents across a range of areas. During 2020/21 we
                                            introduced a new set of perception questions. This year’s overall
           SATISFACTION                     satisfaction decreased to 87% from 95% the previous year.

                                                 How satisfied are you with the overall quality of your   80%
               170,116                           home?
                     SERVICE                  2  How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that The Wrekin   88%
                                                 Housing Group provides a home that is safe and
                   REQUESTS                      secure?
         handled by our Customer              3  How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that The Wrekin   87%
                                                 Housing Group is easy to deal with?
                    Contact Centre               How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that The Wrekin
                                              4                                                        88%
                                                 Housing Group treats you with fairness and respect?
                                                 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or
                                              5  dissatisfied are you with the service provided by The   87%
                                                 Wrekin Housing Group?
                                                 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your
                                              6                                                        74%
             Back to                             neighbourhood as a place to live?
             quick links

        Wrekin Tenants’ Charter

        Click on the links below to find out how we’re meeting our commitments

             Voice and influence

              and communication                                                                                 4
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