Making a Difference
to people's lives

Hints and tips for filling out your application

We have produced these guidance notes to assist you in applying for a job with The Wrekin Housing Group. They offer practical advice and tips for completing your application. To be considered for an interview it is vital you complete this application carefully and comprehensively. If you do not do this it is unlikely that you will be selected for an interview.

The golden rule

Do not make any assumptions about the interviewers’ prior knowledge of you. Use the relevant Job Description and Person Specification, as a guideline when completing the application form, these documents will tell you what we are looking for from the ideal candidate.

Relate your skills, knowledge and experiences to the responsibilities specifically mentioned evidence this by using examples of how you have demonstrated those skills and what you have learned from your experiences. Address each point in the job specification, give clear explanations.

Your application is a representation of you as a person and what skills, knowledge and experience you can offer to our Organisation, we want to know all about what you have to offer, so please don’t hold back.

Other hints and tips

  • Ensure you plan to complete and review your application details prior to submitting, it is a common error to rush through the application before the given deadline, read through the sections on the application form before you start to complete the details.
  • Always do what each section asks you to do for example ‘List your qualifications with the most recent first’. Provide all of the information that is asked for, do not leave any sections blank. Complete the application form as neatly as possible and check the spelling and grammar throughout.
  • It is a good idea to ask someone to proof read your application form, they may pick up things that you have missed.

And finally

Please remember, before returning your application form:

  • Check the form for any mistakes or omissions.
  • Take a copy for your own records and make sure the on-line application form is completed and submitted before the closing date.

If you are unable to complete the on-line application form then please call our Organisational Development Department on 01952 217008 and an application pack can be sent to you.

Please note we do not accept CVs as we want to compare applicants using the same format.

The Group has been accredited with the 'Positive about Disabled People' symbol which recognises our commitment to good practice in employing people who have a disability.