Page 8 - Annual report 2018
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The Wrekin Housing Group Value for Money Read our full
VFM Self-
Self-Assessment summary 2017/18 assessment
Increase Efficiency
Operating surplus – £3.501m better than budget in addition to the ongoing 1% budget reduction - this could
potentially build 80 additional homes within the business plan.
The £15.158m generated in sales income in 2017/18 could fund the development of 375 additional homes and
save circa £2m in repair costs over the next 10 years.
£2.842m was saved in the responsive repairs and maintenance and capital improvement budgets.
Saved £266 per property since 2015/16 within the re-let process, through a more customer focussed system.
Sustaining Quality
2016/17 2017/18 Trend
Overall satisfaction with the Trust as a landlord
98% 97%
Overall satisfaction with repairs and maintenance 94% 94%
Satisfaction with rent as value for money 95% 95%
Improved Performance
2016/17 2017/18 Trend
6th year
Properties with an in date gas certificate 100% 100%
Rent owed to us as a % of rent charged 0.56% 0.51%
Repairs completed within 24 hours 85% 85.2%
Improved Social Value
Provided 1,485 people with an affordable home, including 437 homeless or potentially
homeless people and 528 people to remain independent or manage an illness or disabilty
Invested £461k with our partners in adaptations to allow people to remain safely in
their home
Generated £2.5m additional welfare benefits for our tenants
Collected 511 tonnes of unwanted furniture, re-using 447 tonnes and avoiding 491
tonnes of CO2 emissions
Invested in
£42m invested in developing 566 new homes in 2017/18 with 277 due for completion in 2018/19.
Invested £23.08m in repairing and improving tenants homes.
Increase Increase Improve Build
Efficiency Quality Social New Homes Value
Value & Invest in
Current for
Stock Money