Page 7 - Annual report 19_20
P. 7

Annual report for customers
                                            TENANCY STANDARD                                           2019/2020

                          991               LETTING HOMES

                    LETTINGS                This year we issued 991 tenancies, including 754 tenancy      How do we
                                            renewals, of which 186 were transfers to alternative properties.
                                            In addition to this we had 51 mutual exchanges.

         14.5 DAYS                          RELETS

                 RELET TIME                 On average it took us 14.57 days to relet a property at an    Look to the
                                            average cost of £1334.00.
                                                               2017/18          2018/19          2019/20
                                             Average relet time 15.41 days      15.31 days       14.57 days
                                             Average relet cost  £1,004         £980             £1334

                                            We scored a new home satisfaction rate of 9.61 out of 10

                £3.24m                      MAXIMISING INCOME FOR OUR

                    SECURED                 CUSTOMERS                                                      COVID-19
                    BENEFITS                We have several teams that help to maximise income for our      support
                                            customers. The table below shows how much money each team
                                            secured for our customers through welfare benefits income, grants and
                                            financial assistance.

                                             Debt Advice team                  £59,932.59
                                             Specialist Housing Services Money   £2,582,000.00
                                             Matters team
                                             Specialist Housing services Tenancy  £112,264.32
                                             Support Services team
                                             Support and Enablement team       £492,567.00


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